a) The relief of patients suffering from diseases of the liver and genetic defects affecting the liver.
b) The promotion of research into the causes and treatment of diseases of the liver on terms that the results of such research are published.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Charity, 'The Liver Group'(1024533) was closed in 2016, in order to reopen as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) called 'The Liver Group Charity'(1166985). This is the only material change and is a result of compliance with Charity Commission guidance.
Our Story
Behind the Logo

At a time when the Doctrine of Signatures prevailed, Hepatica was used medicinally. According to the doctrine the appearance of the plant could be used to discern which organ, body part or fluid the plant was able to treat – Hepatica’s leaves are three-parted, just like a liver, and the underside of the leaves is the same colour as raw liver. It was therefore used to treat liver and kidney problems and to arrest bleeding – nowadays however it is identified as poisonous in large doses, although the leaves and flowers may be used as an astringent, as a demulcent for slow-healing injuries, and as a diuretic.
Because of the plants strong association with the liver it has been proudly presented as the emblem of our charity since 1993.
Anemone hepatica, the Charity's Emblem
Charity Origins

Founded on the 28th May 1993 at the Hammersmith
The Liver Group Charity, constituted on 28 May 1993, started life at the Hammersmith Hospital. Following in the steps of Dame Sheila Sherlock, who moved from the Hammersmith to the Royal Free Hospital and established the world's leading clinical centre for liver disease, the Liver Group moved to the Royal Free Hospital when Professor Humphrey Hodgson, the Charity's ex-Chairman, was appointed to the Sheila Sherlock Chair of Medicine in 1999, and the project was at a stage where it could be developed to translate into patients. The Royal Free hospital has a world renowned liver transplant centre.
The Charity, supporting this research, has been established for almost thirty years now, and has taken the CIO status in 2016. It supports research at universities where this work is carried out.
Research Team
The research group funded by the “Liver for Life” Appeal has been in existence for nearly forty years, during which time it has gained an international reputation in studies of the control of liver growth. Initially research was supported at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School (now part of Imperial College).
Currently the research team supported is based within the UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, at the Royal Free Hospital. They are making tremendous strides toward achieving the Charity's vision.
Liver Group Charity Brochure
Contact Us
By Post
Send to this Address:
The Liver Group Charity
c/o Professor Clare Selden
UCL Institute for Liver & Digestive Health
UCL Medical School
Royal Free Hospital Campus
Rowland Hill Street
United Kingdom
By Phone
+44 (0) 208 016 8374
By Email
Professor Clare Selden:
The Liver Group Charity administrators:
Getting Here
By Car
See the location shown on the map and use a navigation tool to get directions to the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead (NW3 2PF).
Parking in the vicinity of the hospital is often difficult so we suggest using public transport where possible.
By Public Transport
Hampstead Heath station is near to the hospital and train services are operated by London Overground.
Belsize Park tube station on the Northern Line is slightly over a quarter of a mile away.
Bus Routes: 24, 46, 168, 268 and C11